LST Full Form

LST Stands for Land Surface Temperature (LST): A Key Climate Indicator

Land Surface Temperature (LST) is how hot the actual surface of the Earth would feel to the touch. It’s different from the air temperature we hear in weather reports and is a powerful tool for understanding our environment. Scientists use LST to track climate change, study cities, help farmers, and much more.

Key Sections –

What is LST?

  • Simple Definition: LST is the temperature of the Earth’s surface – the ground, trees, buildings, and everything in between.
  • Not Air Temperature: It’s important to remember that LST is different from the air temperature we feel. Think of it like touching a hot sidewalk on a sunny day – the sidewalk is much hotter than the air.

How is LST Measured?

  • Satellites in Space: Special satellites with sensors measure the heat coming from the Earth’s surface. These satellites, like Landsat and MODIS, give us LST data for the whole planet.
  • On the Ground: Scientists also use special thermometers to measure LST at specific locations.

Why is LST Important?

  • Climate Change: LST helps track how our planet is warming and changing.
  • Cities and Heat: Cities tend to be much hotter than surrounding areas, and LST maps clearly show these “heat islands”.
  • Drought and Fire: Dry areas have hotter LST, helping predict drought and wildfire risk.
  • Helping Farmers: LST tells farmers about the health of their crops and if they need more water.

Where to Find LST Data


  • Emissivity: How well a surface emits heat.
  • Thermal Infrared: The type of heat energy LST sensors measure.

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